This 11+ How to do Non-Verbal Reasoning Book is perfect for every parent tutoring their own child towards their 11+ exam.
This book explains the necessary techniques required to tackle various types of 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning questions. Non-Verbal Reasoning tests are used by many areas and private schools as part of their 11+ process.
The book explains many of the questions in the Learning Together Non-Verbal Reasoning books and covers 18 different Non-Verbal Reasoning topics that are explained in a simple “Step by Step” child friendly manner.
Each question is dealt with in a separate component.
Each component has two sections: -
The INTRODUCTION with a worked 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning question and Step-by-Step instructions.
The EXERCISE that follows has additional 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning questions with “Hints” for extra help.
A removeable answer sheet and score sheet to track your child’s progress are provided at the back of the book.
The book provides appropriate preparation for 11+ examinations and grammar school selection tests.
Using this title will increase the skills of your child as they prepare for the actual 11+ Exam. Non-Verbal Reasoning questions, that are explained in this book, are often included in the grammar school selection procedure.
A child working through this book will be better prepared to attempt any Non Verbal Reasoning questions that they might be asked to answer as part of their 11+.
Using this book in a structured way will help any parent support their child as they prepare for Non-Verbal Reasoning questions that they will face with in their 11+.
The authors of the Learning Together books in both Non-Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning provide introductory advice that encourages the involvement of each parent to clarify difficult answers to their child. Parental backing is essential for a child to succeed in their 11+ exam.
As with other Learning Together titles in both Non Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning the introductory advice contained in this Step by Step Non Verbal Reasoning Book encourages the involvement of parents to explain the answers to the child. Parental support is crucial to a child’s success in their schoolwork. Preparing for the eleven plus exam is no different.
Phillip Kay, the author, is an experienced eleven plus tutor who has taught many children how to do Non-Verbal Reasoning. His methods have proven successful in teaching and explaining Non-Verbal Reasoning questions to his pupils. His knowledge is now contained in this excellent aid for preparing children for their 11+ exams.
ISBN-13: 978-1-873385-24-1
ISBN-10: 1-873385-24-2