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Lincolnshire 11+ Exam

Lincolnshire 11+ Exam an overview


There are 14 Grammar schools in Lincolnshire. They are 11-18 selective schools that are open to all children who qualify using the 11+ exam. Places are subject to sufficient places and suitable transport being available. They provide an academic curriculum that stretches able children, and they also offer a wide range of educational opportunities, both in and out of the classroom.


These grammar schools currently do not charge fees and play a key part in secondary school provision across the county. 

elevenplus exam classroom

The schools fall into two categories, selective academies who are responsible for their own admissions and community schools who adopt the admissions arrangements agreed by the Local Authority.


The Local Authority is not responsible for selection arrangements and testing but does coordinate the admissions process through which parents make applications to the schools of their choice.



Test Content


Candidates are asked to take a Verbal Reasoning Test and a Non-Verbal Reasoning Test, either in their own Primary Schools or in the Grammar School where they have registered, according to the area. Candidates record their answers on an Optical Mark Reading (OMR) sheet, being required to shade the correct choice on the OMR sheet. The questions are in multiple choice format.


For entry to secondary school or grammar school in September of the following school year children will usually sit their 11 plus exam in the autumn term of their last primary school year.


Coaching is strongly discouraged and pupils get two practice papers for familiarisation purposes prior to the actual eleven plus exam.

The Lincolnshire Consortium of Grammar Schools website has a wealth of information.



The Lincolnshire Schools


Some of these grammar schools may be over-subscribed (this means that there are more qualified children seeking places than there are places available), although the pattern can change from year to year. 


  • Boston Grammar Schools Federation

  • Boston Grammar School

  • Boston High School

  • Bourne Grammar School

  • Caistor Grammar School

  • Carre’s Grammar School

  • Kesteven and Sleaford High School

  • Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School

  • King Edward VI Grammar School,Louth

  • Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School,Alford

  • Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School,Horncastle

  • Queen Elizabeth’s High School, Gainsborough

  • Skegness Grammar School

  • Spalding Grammar School

  • Spalding High School

  • The King Edward VI Academy, Spilsby

  • The King’s School Grantham



The Local Authority is not responsible for selection arrangements and testing but does coordinate the admissions process through which parents make applications to the schools of their choice. You can find more information here



NB. While the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain.Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and eleven plus exam queries.




Standard testing arrangements are coordinated across the county. There are 16 selective schools and 15 of them use the standard testing arrangements with Caistor Grammar School being the exception.
13 have agreed to a common protocol. The 2 schools which use the coordinated testing but have not adopted the protocol, use the standardised scores provided by the testing arrangements as they see fit.
Students who qualify for a place at one of the schools signed up to the protocol will qualify for a place at any of the 13 schools which signed the protocol.
Students who are offered a place at one of the schools that have not signed the protocol may not necessarily qualify for a place at another Lincolnshire grammar school.



Test content​

Children sit a Verbal Reasoning Test and a Non-Verbal Reasoning Test, either in their own Primary Schools or in the Grammar School where they have registered, according to the area. Candidates record their answers on an Optical Mark Reading (OMR) sheet, being required to shade the correct choice on the OMR sheet.


Practice papers, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning are made available to Lincolnshire primary schools. The practice tests are to ensure that candidates are familiar with the style of questions. Each real Test also has a short practice element; the Verbal Reasoning Test is preceded by a ten-minute Preliminary Practice Test, and the Non-Verbal Reasoning Test is divided into sections each provided with a few practice questions. The answers to these practice questions are neither marked nor taken into consideration.



The grammar schools

The schools that have signed the protocol are:


  • Alford: Queen Elizabeth's Grammar, Alford - A Selective Academy

  • Bourne: Bourne Grammar School

  • Gainsborough: Queen Elizabeth's High School

  • Grantham: Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School

  • Grantham: The King's School

  • Horncastle: Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School

  • Louth: King Edward VI Grammar School

  • Skegness: Skegness Grammar School

  • Sleaford: Carre's Grammar School

  • Sleaford: Kesteven and Sleaford High School - Selective Academy

  • Spalding: Spalding Grammar School

  • Spalding: Spalding High School

  • Spilsby: King Edward VI Academy



Useful Contacts


Consortium details

Queen Elizabeth's High School
Morton Terrace
DN21 2ST
01427 612354


Lincolnshire County Council
County Offices,
Telephone: 01522-552222
Fax: 01522-516137


** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**

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