The 11plus Exam in Enfield
The 11plus Exam in Enfield
There is one grammar school in Enfield and that is The Latymer School. The school, which is an extremely popular and successful school, is a mixed school.
The main school and the sixth form are heavily oversubscribed with sometimes upto 10 applicants for each place. Pupils travel large distances to attend this school and the school offers 192 places in year 7.

It is not uncommon for upto 2000 pupils to apply for these 192 places.
In order to apply for a place at Latymer, parents need to complete both the school’s online registration form and the local authority common application form (CAF) by the published dates.
Test Content
Due to the huge numbers applying for a place Latymer school the school have a two stage process.
Part 1:- This test consists of a mathematics and verbal reasoning test paper with the top 650 candidates being invited back for Part 2. Applicants are expected to show competence in skills appropriate to Key Stage 2 English and Mathematics.
Part 2:- The top 650 candidates from Part 1 will be invited back to take a full written English paper. The paper will be formed of two sections.
Section 1 will be a reading and answer paper lasting 30 minutes.
Section 2 will be a written paper (story writing) lasting 30 minutes.
Candidates are expected to show competence in writing skills and be able to apply these skills creatively. Specialist subject markers from The Latymer School will mark these papers.
All tests take place at The Latymer School and can only be taken once.
The grammar school
As the school is heavily over-subscribed the school apply criteria as set out in their admissions procedure.
The Latymer School
Admissions procedure
Free sample paper
Elevenplus exam preparation
Enfield council provide a wealth of information about Primary to secondary school transfer on there website.
Useful contacts
Enfield LA
Director of Education, Children's Services and Leisure.
London Borough of Enfield
PO Box 56,
Civic Centre
Silver Street,
Telephone: 020 8379 1000
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**