What is the format of the CEM 11plus Exam ?
The format of the CEM 11 Plus Exam bases questions on the core subjects of English and Maths skills and also includes Non-Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning questions. The Reasoning element questions are in amongst the English or Mathematics questions.
CEM tend to use two question paper types – one called English/Verbal Reasoning which is a combination of straight forward English questions and Verbal Reasoning questions.
The second paper type is sometimes called Numerical Reasoning and is a combination of straight forward Maths questions mixed with Non-Verbal Reasoning questions.
CEM do not produce commercial practice questions though you may find free sample CEM 11 Plus questions on the school website of your intended school. CEM do this because they are trying to reduce the amount of “coaching” that a child can have using CEM material.
Samples are on some school websites so there is the possibility to help your child using this material and CEM practice books and papers available here.
Format of the 11 Plus CEM Exams.
The CEM 11 Plus exams are usually made up of two papers which usually last 45 minutes. Depending on which area/school purchase the CEM papers they will be answered either in multiple-choice or standard format. It is important that you are aware of the method for answering the questions.
As already stated, each paper will contain a mix of topics including straight forward English and also some Verbal Reasoning. The second paper will contain Non-Verbal Reasoning and straight forward Maths perhaps known as Numerical Reasoning.
There will be timed sections in each paper, the time for each section will vary between six minutes and twelve minutes. Your child will have to complete each section before being told to proceed to the next section.
The maths and English questions will be based on what your child has been taught at school but you can supplement this with additional work at home.
Non-Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning are generally not taught in many schools but you can improve your child's understanding and skills in these subjects with practice and teaching at home.