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The 11plus Exam in Barnet

Overview of The 11plus Exam in Barnet


To be considered for a place at a grammar school within the London Borough of Barnet, your child must achieve a high score in one of the versions of the Barnet 11 plus exam set by various grammar schools. This exam is held at the beginning of Year 6.


It is common for there to be 10 or more applicants for each grammar school place. For example, The Henrietta Barnett School has had over 2000 applicants for less than 100 places. There are four grammar (selective) schools in Barnet and two in neighbouring authorities.

Test Content


The test format varies from school to school but they may contain test papers covering Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, English comprehension and numerical reasoning. It may also involve music or arts assessments. Some tests are multiple choice and some are standard format. As there is such a wide variation between schools you should confirm all details with the school of your choice or with Barnet Council.


The Grammar Schools


Queen Elizabeth's School


Queen Elizabeth's is a designated grammar school, and is a selective, single-sex, non-denominational school with academy status, providing education for boys from the age of 11 to 18.
The number of yearly admissions at age 11 (year 7) is 180. 

All places are allocated on the basis of academic ability, established by selection tests held in the autumn prior to the year of admission. All entrance tests will be taken at the venue designated by the School. Parents must complete a variety of forms and before the deadline. This school receives high numbers applying for the 180 places so the school apply other criteria which can be viewed here. In previous years over 200 pupils have taken the entrance test.

Each candidate will sit two test papers in a single session. Both tests are in multiple choice format, one containing questions on English, and the other containing questions on Mathematics.

The scores achieved will be standardised taking account of the ages of the candidates. The scores from the two
tests will be combined to produce a single, overall entrance test score for each candidate. Those candidates achieving a combined score of 210 or higher will be deemed to have met the standard required by the governors to be eligible to be considered for admission to the School. Achieving this standard is not a guarantee that a place will be offered.






St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School


The number of yearly admissions at age 11 (year 7) is 96 and St. Michael's is a girls' grammar school.

This school is also heavily over-subscribed and the school apply admissions criteria.

The following criteria will be used when pupils are selected for entry to the School and in the following order
of priority.
Criterion 1. Catholic girls:-
from a Practising Catholic family and
who have made their First Holy Communion in the Catholic Church


The Test Content

All applicants selected in accordance with this criterion 1 will be required to take written tests in Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, English and Mathematics.

Following the tests all applicants will be ranked in order starting with the highest score. Places will be allocated strictly in accordance with the score but if two or more applicants have an equal ranking then the applicant's marks in the Verbal Reasoning test will take precedence over Non Verbal Reasoning which will take precedence over English which will take precedence over Maths.

The Application Procedure

To apply for a place at the School you must complete and return two separate forms.


  1. The School's Supplementary Information Form (SIF). This form must be obtained from the School and returned to the School by the date set out in the form.

    Applicants applying under as practising Catholics must submit a Certificate of Catholic Practice (CCP) by the closing date. This form (which used to be called a priests reference form) is attached to the School’s SIF but is available separately from the diocesan website. Parents must fill in the top part of the CCP with their details and then take the form to their parish priest (or the priest at the parish where they normally worship) for signature. It is the parent’s duty to ensure that the CCP is submitted to the School in good time. The priest will only sign the CCP if he knows you and agrees that you are a practising catholic family.

  2. A Common Application Form from the LA where you live. This form must be returned to the School Admissions section of the same LA by the date stipulated by the relevant LA. Whilst paper applications are acceptable, applicants are expected to complete the LA’s on line e-admissions form.
    Parents should contact the School’s Admissions Secretary before the date of the tests if there are any special circumstances likely to affect a child’s performance in the tests.





Mill Hill County High School


This school is always heavily over-subscribed and the school has 243 places available in year 7. There is a high interest in places for Mill Hill and 

Where applications for admission exceed the Admission Number, the following criteria will be used, in the order given below, when considering which children to admit:


  1. Looked after children (Children in public care) or previously looked after children

  2. 90 pupils on the basis of geographical proximity

  3. Siblings

  4. Children of members of the teaching staff of Mill Hill County High School

  5. Up to 24 technology, 24 music and 12 dance places If there is a tie for the final place to be offered (for technology, music or dance) then the place will be offered on the basis of geographical proximity, as in Criterion 2.

More detail about their criteria can be found in the school Admissions policy and Guidelines.


Registering for a place at the School

Parents must complete a school Supplementary Interest Forms (SIF) which can be completed online through the school website This application must be submitted before the deadlines. Parents must also complete a Local Authority Common Application Form (CAF) online secondary school transfer. You will need to complete your Local Authority online secondary school transfer naming Mill Hill County High School as one of your choices. Again there are strict deadlines for the competition of these forms.


The Test Content


Pupils are asked to take an Aptitude Test involving tests in Verbal Reasoning & Abstract Reasoning(non-verbal). The Tests are Multiple Choice papers set by GL ASSESMENT to be completed on Multiple Choice Answer Sheets. The papers each last for one hour with additional time for explanation and practice questions given by staff at the start of each timed section.

There are spaces available as follows - 24 for technology, 24 for music and 12 for dance. Details of conditions for these places can be found in the school guidelines.




The Henrietta Barnett School


In 2016 the school received over 2000 applicants for just 93 places so as you can see that demand for places is extremely high. As other schools in Barnet this school has a two stage process.

Registering for a place at the School


In order for an application to be considered two forms must be completed: the Common Application Form for your Local Authority (CAF) and The Henrietta Barnett School Entrance Test Entry Form.

A Common Application Form (CAF) from the Local Authority in which you live must be filled in and returned to them. This form, on which you name The Henrietta Barnett School as one of your choices, should be completed carefully, and returned to your Local Authority by the published deadline.

The Henrietta Barnett School Entrance Test Entry Form is available from the School website and must be completed in order to enter your daughter for the entrance test. It must be returned to the School by the stated deadline.


The Test Content


Round One consists of a verbal and numerical reasoning test set by a nationally recognised body. These tests will take place at The Henrietta Barnett School and candidates are not able to sit them elsewhere.

Following the First Round Tests, the results of the verbal and numerical reasoning questions will be combined, standardised and placed in rank order. On the basis of this rank order, the top 300 candidates will be invited back to sit the second round of Tests.

Round two:- 

The Second Round Test is in English and Mathematics and will take place in the School. This Test will be for the top ranked 300 candidates in Round One only.
Candidates will only be able to take the Test once and will be tested on literacy and numeracy appropriate to Key Stage 2. Candidates will be asked to apply their skills and knowledge to new situations.

The results of both Tests will be used to determine the final rankings.





Barnet London Borough


School admissions
Building 4
North London Business Park
Oakleigh Road South
New Southgate
N11 1NP

Tel: 020 8359 7651
FAX: 0870 889 6799


** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**

Queen Elizabeth's School
St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School
Mill Hill County High School
The Henrietta Barnett School
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